Need advice on drilling a deeper borewell or select new site for digging in a land in Tiruvannamalai district, Tamilnadu

We have drilled a borewell in our dry land in Tiruvannamalai District, Tamilnadu on 17.05.09.  We have not been successful In finding water despite drilling to a depth of 648 feet. We had conducted a geological survey and the geologist had mentioned that we will tap water between 350 to 500 feet at a common spot identified by both the geologist and water diviner. We gave up drilling at 648 feet as the driller does not have drllling capacity & capability beyond 650 feet.

Key points of our drilling today are:

- Till 1st 27 feet, it is soft rock, and the driller used a 9 inch metal casing
- Beyond 27 feet, it is hard rock and after hitting hard rock, we pushed a 7 inch pvc pipe to rest on the hard rock
- Within the 7 inch pvc pipe, we used a 6.5 inch drill bit till 648 feet
- After hitting hard rock, we get discharge that is black, red and grey colour, combinations till the 648 feet.
- we hit the 1st spring at 60 feet with a 1/2 inch discharge

The water diviner was present all through and promised that there is definitely water below but was not able to indicate depth and mentioned that we should drill further. Water has been struck at maximum depth of 500 - 550 feet in this village, nobody has gone beyond 550 feet in this village.

I would require suggestions from experts in this group on what should be our future course of action, we are willing to drill a further 200+ feet in the existing drilled spot. Is it a good idea to drill further beyond the 648 feet based on the advice of the water diviner, if so what methods should we adopt, or should we give up the drilling in existing spot?

Kindly advice on further action required.

Krishnan P S
