Need advice on drilling borewell and choosing the right pump for an ashram in Guwahati, Assam

We plan to construct an ashram on the slope of Kamakhya Temple (mountain) at Guwahati, Assam. The plot of land is about 250-350 feet above the Brahmaputra river. The water requirement is about 2000-5000litres/day. There is one well at the back (south) of the land which struck water  at about 30 feet below lying along the fractured zone of the mountain and there is again a fractured zone on the eastern side (edge) of the land. Again on the western side of the land at about 20-30 feet below, one of the neighbours tried to dig well but did not get water even after 60 feet.

Now my question is that if we drill beyond 350 feet , is there any possibility of getting water? And if so, how we should approach? or should we use pump to lift water to that height from the river and go for purification? which will be best and cost effective? also if the pump method is to be done, which would be the most suitable pump?

Sontosh Dev
