Need advice on cost-effective and financially sustainable urban water supply & sanitation services

Original Query: Tushaar Shah, IWMI, Anand, Gujarat
Posted: 6th June 2005

I am the director of the IWMI-Tata Water Policy Program at the IWMI field office in Anand, Gujarat, where we are charged with providing practical solutions to a range of water management problems by translating research findings into policy recommendations. One of the areas we have been asked to explore relates to urban infrastructure for water supply and sanitation.

Given the fact that India is urbanizing at a frantic pace, its urban water supply and sanitation (WSS) infrastructure is unable to keep pace with urban growth. We are looking at (a) capital investments and (b) institutional/management approaches to ensure efficient, cost-effective and financially sustainable WSS service provision in Indian towns and cities.

My question to the Community is: can anyone tell me of any relevant experiences or innovations that we can look into? We would be interested in both cost-effective solutions for urban WSS infrastructure investments as well as institutional or management improvements you have been involved in or are aware of.

I look forward to your responses.

Please see attachment below for the responses.
