Can I drill a new bore well which is 8 feet from the existing bore well?

I am from Coorg district in Karnataka and I suppose you know this is a hilly area. We have a existing borewell which is 250 feet deep and we get 1.5 inch water throughout the year, but this is not sufficient for agriculture purpose as monsoon was bad 3 years in a row. A Hydrologist gave a new point 8 feet from the existing bore well.He located this point by electrical conductivity. The reading that he got in his device was 130 to 140. He said its in a different rock and told that the old bore wont get affected. The old bore was drilled in 1988 and i suppose it was stopped after the first source of water. The hydrologist said that we will get 3.5 inch water as there are 4 streams of water till 600 feet. Is it advisable to dig the new bore so close to the old one? will the old bore get affected? The old bore is the only source of water for the entire agriculture land. If this gets affected then there wont be any water for agriculture. Please advise.
