Multiple problems with a 650 ft borewell with a 2hp texmo pump for a house in Bangalore, Karnataka - Please suggest the correct course of action


 I drilled a borewell recently (may 2011) and stuck into problems; need some expert suggestion on this.

While drilling the borewell, the driller said in that area that much water was no where available and suggested to stop drilling at 650 ft itself when I asked him to go till 700 ft. (casing is done for 120ft approx, till hard rock). Water was said to be observed at 50 ft (by the guys who installed pump). Eventually the pump had failed to draw water after 30 minutes. The pump was at 410 ft depth, 2hp texmo brand. After complaining about not drawing water, the water man (who installed the pump I am calling him water man here) suggested to use the 2hp pump itself till 640 ft and we went for that. He could not send the pump below 610 ft and installed it there itself. For two days water came properly, starting with mud water for 10 minutes first (not repeated stone dust this time like we saw when we put the pump at 410 ft) and then clean water. After that suddenly it stopped pumping water. This time I noticed, some water bubbles (very little; a leak) comming out from the joint of the pipe where a one way valve is installed, but no water at the outlet. Can any one plese suggest what course of action shall I take? Here are some of my questions that I could not anwer myself or searching the post:

(1) It might be computational problem of the water man while joining pipe; but the result he said is 50 ft of the well is already filled in. Can it be due to silt? If it is, can it further damage the well/pump?

(2) How do I know if water is leaking or not? If its leaking, is there any way to stop it?

(3) How do I measure how much water is there? Is it possible that whatever water was seen comming out while drilling is all fabricated? The driller said that after installing pump, source will stremthen more, but I see opposite.

(4) Is texmo a good brand for borewll pump? The water man said 2hp motor can pump 650 ft too, but the speed will be less? Is it true?

(5) Is there any way to measure if the silting problem exist or not? If its a temporary problem, how can I get the well cleaned without bringin in a big machine (I had to break the compound wall to drill the borewell)

(6) what other problem can exist that I must take care going further


Thanks you very much for your time.


