Multiple borewell issues in a plot in Bangalore, Karnataka - Need advice on reviving the bore and improving the yield

Location of borewell: East of NGEF Kasthurinagar ,Bangalore Dist

Dug using: Hydraulic Rig Driller (6" 1/2 inch)

1) Borewell was drilled using a Dia of : 6" 1/2 inch by hydraulic rig

2) MS Casing Pipe(6" 1/2 inch) was installed till 80 feet and outer safety PVC 10 inch installed upto 160ft

3) 160 ft  first water source stuck, with muddy water certified as 3/4 inch water yield with silt mix.

I drilled 6" bore well at Kasthurinagar East of NGEF Bangalore to a depth of 260ft and I got water at 160ft of 3/4" (V-notch reading) and driller could not continue due to the Air pas and Mud Falling

They dug up 200 feet and encountered a Mud. they could proceed untill 260Feet , As the Air presure/Air leak was causing problems

i got Three Water Diviners and all suggested the points in North East corner of my Plot.

My questions are  -

1. Is there any method so that we can revive the bore well?

2. If water source itself contains silt/mud whether slotted casing pipe will help and how?

3. Is there of changes that again the bore well may get filled with silt even after reviving this bore well by any method?

4.Since the yield of the bore well is not so much what is the suggestion.

 i have included the report which will give you an insight

6 1/2 Inch charges up to 250 Feet16250
6 1/2 Inch charges up to 260 Feet750
6 1/2 Inch Dia MS casing Pipe Errection charges28000
10 Inch PVC casing Pipe errection  charges 22000
Total Charges69,100




