Muddy water and borewell travails in Srinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka - Need advise in pump placement

I got a bore well drilled in Srinagar area of Bangalore.  We got hard rock at the level of 45' - upto that level casing has been done.  We got crystal clear water from 70-80' with hard rock it went upto 275 ft. and the yield was certified as 1 1/2"- 2"  In spite of our telling to stop the drilling at 250 ft. Upto 250ft. there was solid black rock. The driller went on drilling to 270ft saying that we may get some more sources. But at 270ft level muddy water started coming. Then he stopped drilling. He assured that there will be no problem for us to get good water and there is no problem with the bore well.

1) In view of our getting muddy water at the level of 275ft whether there is chance of getting good water at the upper level - say if we fix the pump at 150-200ft?

2) Is there any in-line treatment to remove the mud from the water?

G. Venkateshan
