Low yield bore well in Basapura, Bangalore, Karnataka : Need to know the kind of pump to be installed to meet the requirements

We got a borewell dug in Basapura, near Begur Lake on 6th March 2011.

Details are as follows: We hit the rock at 45 Feet, MS Casing was done till 64 Feet. We got first water source at 130 Feet. Second water source at 580 Feet. At 580 feet we got some water but driller was not sure if it is coming from same source (130 feet) or new source. We drilled further till 615 feet and then as suggested by my geologist we stopped drilling.

Driller measured the yield and it was close to 1 inch but he gave certificate for 3/4 inch only. We did not get any silt after hitting the rock and was continuously drilling on soft rock.

We need water for 2-3 apartment (total for 12-15 people only). Driller was telling yield is not good but sufficient for 3-4 family. Also since the drill was done in march there is little possibility of getting more yeild in rainy season (as told by driller)

Since this is 30X40 plot and limited location for drilling one more bore-well.

Please suggest if the yield is sufficient for 15 people usage and what kind of pump and cabling I should go if you think yield would meet our requirement.


