Low cost and ecologically sound sanitation in urban and rural areas of Gujarat - Need experiences and examples

Original Query: Dinesh Kumar, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Anand, Gujarat
Posted: 9 September 2005

I am Dinesh Kumar working at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in Anand, Gujarat.

I find that sanitation in rural Gujarat is extremely poor; use of modern toilets very low and open defecation is most common. Given the fact that the dependence on groundwater for drinking in rural areas is extremely high, these could pose serious health problem due to leaching of organic waste. One issue could be affordability. We would be interested in promoting of the low cost sanitation models in some of the villages we are working on groundwater issues in north Gujarat.

In this regard, my query is:

What are the low cost and ecologically sound sanitation practices that are used or recommended in urban and rural areas? What have been your experiences in adopting these methods and technologies?

Please see attachment below for the responses.
