Looking for a scientific method of water detection for borewell in Ramamurthy Nagar in Bangalore

Hi Sir/Madam,

I am a resident of Rammamurthy nagar in Bangalore. We live in an apartment complex where the borewell has dried up. We are looking at a scientific method to detect water presence for our apartment. Do you or your organisation help in scientific detection of water such that a new borewell can be dug ?

I have tried contacting you on 080-25461711/12 but there was no response. Request your kind help.

My apartment address is Vandana Vayushakti Apartments, 8th main, kalkere cross, NRI layout, Rammurthy nagar, Bangalore-13.

You can also contact me on 09449065163.

Thanks and regards,

Gp Capt B R Dash
