Looking to install water conditioner for a 70-flat apartment - Can anyone guide us on how this system works?

I am staying in a 70-flat apartment and since the water quality is not good (the TDS and hardness of water is very high, it is in the order of 800 ppm) we are planning to go in for a water conditioner.

Initially we thought of installing a water softener. However, since maintaining a water softener system is very cumbersome, one of the water treatment companies suggested water conditioner. We want to check the pros and cons with the experts before proceeding further.

The following information we got from the water treatment company.
The water conditioner consists of advance composite pressure vessel, nano resin catalyst and a 130 micron pre-filter.
These are things which he claimed that the conditioner would do:

  • Phase 1: The catalytic surface pulls the calcium and magnesium and converts these to nano crystal particles. These nano crystals are so small that they are 1 billionth of a meter: 100000 times smaller than a single strand of hair.
  • Phase 2: In this phase the existing scales in the piping is removed. The nano crystals formed during the previous phase are neutral and cannot attached to surfaces and due to their large surface area and nano structure they bind to calcium ions in the scale, gradually breaking the grid structure of the calcium scale deposits within the pipes.
  • Phase 3: A 3 to 5 micron protective corrosion layer is formed; this layer is formed as a result of nano crystals reaction to the pipes. As soon as the layer is formed it can no longer grow bigger, but it creates a complete protection.

Can anyone, who is aware of such things, guide us? Please tell us if this system really works.

Thank you.
