Looking for experts advice to install submersible pump in our apartment in Pune


We want to install a submersible pump in our apartment.

  • At present the pump used is mono block & very a old one (almost 15 years). It is fitted in an enclosed room right beneath my flat. It makes terrible noise & vibration. It runs for almost 6-8 hours a day.                                                                                                                                                                                                  There is only one underground water tank. Its depth is almost 10-12 ft. Water tank is under the first building wherein water is stored & provided to both the buildings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Distance from Water tank to the rooftop is almost 100 ft in first building & 120 ft in the second building.
  • What HP for submersible pump is suitable in our case?
  • The society is not going to change the pipeline. Current size of the metal pipeline is 1.5 inch. We installed one 7.5 HP Kirloskar some 2 years back. Unfortunately it did not work for 15 days at a stretch. The PVC pipe (3 inch is connecting the submersible pump & the 1.5 inch metal pipeline), tore in between on two occasions. Some other arrangement also did not work. Right now the submersible pump is lying underutilized at the bottom of the tank.

Also wants to know if this idle pump can be used in any way ?

Hoping to receive a really helpful answer.

Any expert from Pune, wants help - it would be really helpful if you visit the place & check the actual condition. 

Thanks in advance,


Govind Gogate


