Looking for data on water quality, infant mortality rates and waterborne disease in Orissa for health intervention study

My name is Angelika Stadelmann and I am a research associate at Helioz Research and Development GmbH based in Vienna/Austria. We invented a device called WADI, a measurement device which traces and visualizes the progress of solar water disinfection in a PET-Bottle. http://www.helioz.org/

Helioz was founded in 2010 and after a three year development process with microbiological-, usability- and field tests in India as well as lab-tests in Austria, we are currently designing a health intervention study in India, beginning mid 2012. Alongside usability and acceptability, the main target is proving the reduction of waterborne diseases by using WADI. Several performance indicators will be evaluated during bi-weekly door-to-door visits and a pre- and post-intervention survey. Key parameters include health status, daily WADI application, water consumption, water quality, and behaviour change process indicators to achieve long-term impact. So far, several funding sources have been raised from leading research and technology institutes, as well as governmental development agencies.

We are currently at the beginning of the planning phase for the Health Intervention. First we need to concretise our project area in India. We thought about Orissa, because in April 2011, a research team from Helioz conducted a feasability study there. The problem now is to find exact datas about water quality in specific areas in India as well as datas about infant mortality rates, especially waterborne diseases e.g in Orissa.
I'm not aware, if such data exist. So maybe you could give me some advice were I can get such data.

It would be great if we can share some information. If you would like to know more about us and our project "WADI“ please contact me.

I am looking forward to hearing from you,

Best regards
