Legal advice regarding STP : Availability of court judgements and info regarding RTI's

I am an engineering consultant. In one of the underground sewerage scheme projects that have been detailed, there is a Sewage Treatment Plant proposed in a site which was shown by the concerned Local Body for siting the plant.There are people who own non - developed land in the vicinity who would like to gain more information regarding the proposed Treatment Plant under the Right to Information Act. One of which relates to "Essential rulings by Honorable Supreme Court and High Courts on STPs in residential areas/water ,air pollution/ public health/Environmental Pollution." 

I feel that although it is not in my book to keep track of judicial rulings on the subject, the query aroused my interest to know if such details are available in the public domain. My interest in the matter is purely academic.

There are couple of thoughts that I may share, e.g the expansion of urban land use is continuous and in some instances fairly rapid necessitating "un-sewered" developments to be served. In such cases locating a sewage treatment plant dictated by topographical and land availability considerations may involve proximity of residential areas. Have there been similar  instances and associated PIL's?
In projects which are to serve larger population are planned, have there been cases of PIL's against such projects ? (My focus is on Sewage Treatment Plants and not industrial effluent treatment plant).  In such public projects, upto what level of detail, can one ask for under RTI?

Is there a site where I may be able to see the rulings delivered in the Supreme Court and other High Courts in India relating to the location, performance/inadequacy thereof, objections, long term effects of sewage treatment plants in residential/urban areas?

