Large - scale sewage contamination of well water in Halasoor, Bangalore, Karnataka : Solutions needed

I live in Halasoor, Bangalore. Several streets in the area have clogged man-holes as a result of which sewage overflows on the road   Because of the clogged manholes, sewage pipes, well water in most of this area is contaminated with sewage. The water smells really bad and is of a muddy, dark color. This is not suitable even for washing or cleaning. 

One of the reasons could be over growth of the population in the area.  All most all the houses are 3 to 4 storeys, creating a huge density of population and the pipes that were laid are too old to handle this huge capacity. Other reason is the water table in this area is just 6 feet below ground level. Due to this contamination of water in the wells, all the houses are going in for sumps for collecting corporation water from Bangalore Water Board in spite of the fact that well water is just 6 feet below your feet. 

Please suggest a way to correct this huge problem.

