Issues with domestic sewage system in Tambaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - Need solutions

I have built a multi house building in an area where the public sewer pipes are not yet available. We built a large capacity sewage settlement tank (septic tank). The tank gets filled pretty quickly (though we have five families, the tank gets filled with in 3 months). We have several issues with our system.

(*) The tank base has been sealed with concrete; hence there is no water transfer - to me which is good as it does not seem to pollute the nearby ground or well systems.
(*) There seems to be signficant water flow along soil - not sure, do we have any mechanism to prevent the water reaching the tank.
(*) When heavy rain occurs, the flood from the street some how enters into the tank. (This was recently prevented as the pipe leaving the house was elevated).
(*) However, the real problem has been, the tank gets filled up pretty quickly. We are in the process of considering Soak Pit. or can we treat the water before it enters the tank and separate the water to the drain pipe?

In any case, what would be the best mechansim to handle such situation? It sounds like we have not really done a good job in engineering the sewer system in the first place. But what would we do to rectify this. My house is located just outside of "Chennai" - Tambram sub-urban area (Tamil Nadu, India).  Contact information of consultants  who can help us is welcome.


Thank you
