Iron removal solutions in Assam : Increasing efficiency & reducing turbidity in the sedimentation tank

I am responsible for providing drinking water to one of the cantonments in Assam. I am facing problem of high iron content in water. The source is bore well (under ground Water) and iron content ranges from 10 -40 mg/l. As such iron content is as high as 50 mg/l in NE India. However with continuous trial and error we have succeeded in bringing the iron content to 0.8mg/l by combination of Sand filter and iron removal plants.
We are adding caustic soda and alum to provide alkalinity and flocculation. Of late I am facing problem of high turbidity, may be due to heavy disintegration of dissloved iron content into ferric iron and less detention time that can be provided at present due to demand. How can I over come this problem with existing system of sedimentation tank wherein only 3-4hrs detention time can be allowed.

Please help out in providing clear water to our soldiers.You may suggest new and effective technology too.I shall be grateful.


Colonel Narasimha
