Insufficient water in borewell at 1000 ft depth in Kottayam, Kerala

I  am residing in a flat at Kottayam,Kerala. Our flat is very close to a river (1 Km) . We dug a borewell and could see water at 180ft with 41/2 diameter but in a months time the water level decreased and so  we further increased the depth to 300ft and yield of water was sufficient for 3 months then it became very less. Another person advised us that if we dig 1000ft with 61/2 inch diameter we are sure to get water and we opted for it too. But we found that only 1inch water level is there in the borewell (according to the people who dug the borewell). Could you explain why the water yield in the previous borewell dried up and also why we haven't got sufficient water in the depth of 1000ft?
