Inputs sought by the Lions Club chairman about water management


*Dear Sir,
21st July, 2009*
*I am appointed as District Chairman "Water Management" by my Dist Governor
Lions Dist 324-C1 for the year 2009-10. I request you to clarify :*
*1) Provision of Drinking Water to villages based on Rain Water Harvesting
without  disturbing ground water* : With an average rainfall of 1000mm, a
hectare of land can receive as much as 10 million liters. Even if 50 to 80%
of rain water is  recovered with precautions taken to minimize percolation
and evaporation losses, it means 5 to 8 million liters, which can easily
take care of  the drinking water needs of a moderate village of  1370 to
2200 population at the rate of 10 liters per head per day round the year.
Instead of one plot of  ONE hectare, 10 plots of 1000 sq.m give better yield
because  percolation and evaporation losses are minimum.
The  rain water could be stored in  open storage tanks /  traditional ponds
with plastic lining at the bottom.
Spraying light  mineral oil as a thin film on the surface to minimize
*2) Construction of subsurface dykes along coastal cities* : Ground water
table usually runs parallel to surface and invariably drains precious water
into sea at the coast. If a suitable subsurface dyke is built parallel to
the coast a little away from the coast the flow could  be arrested and the
ground water pooled at the dyke can easily be tapped economically.
*2) Storm Water Harvesting* : It is a common sight most of our city roads
get filled with flood water even with little showers causing great
inconvenience to the citizens. If the water is pumped / drained rapidly to
pre constructed water bodies like tanks, ponds, lakes in and around the city
which can be used as drinking water after treatment. This can easily reduce
drinking water problem of the city. Excess water could be used for
recharging  aquifers through previously constructed injection wells
Ln P.Nukaiah 

I am appointed as District Chairman 'Water Management' by my Dist Governor Lions Dist 324-C1 for the year 2009-10.

I request you to clarify :

  • Provision of Drinking Water to villages based on Rain Water Harvesting without  disturbing ground water: With an average rainfall of 1000mm, a hectare of land can receive as much as 10 million liters. Even if 50 to 80% of rain water is  recovered with precautions taken to minimize percolation and evaporation losses, it means 5 to 8 million liters, which can easily take care of  the drinking water needs of a moderate village of  1370 to 2200 population at the rate of 10 liters per head per day round the year.
    • Instead of one plot of  ONE hectare, 10 plots of 1000 sq.m give better yield because  percolation and evaporation losses are minimum.
    • The  rain water could be stored in  open storage tanks /  traditional ponds with plastic lining at the bottom.
    • Spraying light  mineral oil as a thin film on the surface to minimize 
  • Construction of subsurface dykes along coastal cities : Ground water table usually runs parallel to surface and invariably drains precious water into sea at the coast. If a suitable subsurface dyke is built parallel to the coast a little away from the coast the flow could  be arrested and the ground water pooled at the dyke can easily be tapped economically.
  • Storm Water Harvesting : It is a common sight most of our city roads get filled with flood water even with little showers causing great inconvenience to the citizens. If the water is pumped / drained rapidly to pre constructed water bodies like tanks, ponds, lakes in and around the city which can be used as drinking water after treatment. This can easily reduce drinking water problem of the city. Excess water could be used for recharging  aquifers through previously constructed injection wells

Ln P.Nukaiah Chetty
