Information clarity and advice required on the WALTA Act for digging borewell in Mahabubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh

iNI am from Bhuthpur Village & Mandal of Mahabubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh

I have land around 14 acres and have two borewells already. During summer not getting that much water as we were getting in rainy season from the borewells.  Recently we have planted nearly 200 plants of Coconut, Mango and Teak in nearly half acre and paddy crop of nearly 2 acres. The water is not sufficient and planning to dig another borewell at some location in my land. 

I have heard of WALTA and not clear about the restrictions of this Act. Could you please clarify the below

I went to Deputy Director, Ground Water Department at Mahabubnagar and got the below information from him.

1. Two different borewells should be at a distance of 300 meters and that will be the primary criteria for giving permission for new borewell.

2. The fee for applying for permission is Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only), needs to be paid through bank challan to Mandal Revenue Officer and MRO will direct the Ground Water Department to do the needful and submit a report whether or not the permission can be given to drill the new borewell.

I would like to know whether this is the correct information as per the WALTA Act or Are they misleading the people.  I have gone through WALTA act contents and did not find anywhere that there should be a distance of 300 meters between two borewells.

Kindly let me know what could be done in such situation.

Srinivas Velidanda.
