I'm currently studying environmental water management at Cranfield University - Interested in working in India - Need help


My name is Stefan and I am currently studying Environmental Water Management at Cranfield University, UK. I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am interested in a job in India in the water sector. My thesis is concerned on raising awareness on water and wastewater systems and public perception of these. I like working with people and I think India has a lot of improvements to make in the water sector and that it has the potential to do it. I also love the indian culture and I would find working in India a dream come true.

In conclusion, if anyone has a contact in a water management consultancy, government, NGO, please send me an email. I would really appreciate it. I am also attaching my CV for future references.

PS. I think this group is a great initiative, uniting people with ideas and similar issues.

Thank you!
