I live in a 350-flat apartment complex - Require consultation regarding digging of borewells and rainwater harvesting design


I stay in an apartment which has around 350 flats. We have several problems related to ground water, and would request expert consultation in the same. I would appreciate it, if someone can give pointers to experts on ground water, whom we can consult for these matters.

1) We have 4 borewells within the apartment complex, of the same depth. We get water from two of them and we are not able to use the other two. The ones which are dry now used to yield until 2 years back. Need to figure out, if it is really the bores going dry, or some problem with the pump/compressor etc. Need some expert consultation for the same.

2) The apartment maintenance committee is considering digging more borewells, and need some expert consultation to get the right location/depth etc.

3) We have rainwater harvesting system installed. But, right now, it is not operational, since there is no valve connecting the tank storing the rainwater collected, and the tank storing the water used in the apartment (usually bought through tankers).

Need to install a valve/filter in between so that the muddy water from the rain water harvesting system does not reach the water stored for use within the apartment. This seems to be a design issue with the water tanks, and need some consultation to understand what could be the possible solutions to make it operational.
