I do not know what the capacity of my borewell in Shadnagar in Mehabubnagar district is - What kind of pump should I go for?

Dear experts,

I am new to borewells and I know I wont find a better place than this to get my questions answered. My borewell in Shadnagar area in Mehabubnagar district in Andhra Pradesh was done few days back. The bore was dug upto 400ft deep, with a 37' casing. The dia of the bore is 9". As a lay man, I have no other data with me.

The agency who drilled the bore told me that the water is 1.5" dia. Here comes the question now. I am now in the cross roads to decide the capacity of the borewell (the throughput) and also what kind of pump / capacity of the pump to get the water out. Thanks for your replies in advance.

D.Suresh (9391852828)
