How to improve water quality in a house in Kumbakonam, TN - Test results attached


I Live in Aduthurai, near Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu.

We have dug a 140 feet borewell and tested the water and following are the

Colour - Slightly Yellowish
Odour  - Objectionable

                                      Column A    Column B         Our Borewell reading
                                      ========  ========      ==============

Turbidity                            1                     10                140
Iron as Fe (mg/l)                0.1                  1                  2.67

Total Dissolved Solids          500                 2000             595
pH                                     7.0to8.5          6.5to9.2         7.1
Alkalinity Total as
CaCO3                               200                 600               360
Total Hardness as CaCO3     200                 600               290
Magnesium as Mg                30                  150                36

The Filter report says that
(CPHEEO Standard)

Column A - Desirable Limits
Column B - Permissible Limit in the absence of better alternative source

We have contacted a filter manufacturer. He is willing to install an "Iron Removal Filter" which he says
will remove Colour, Odour, Turbidity and Iron problems.

But for the other chemicals, his "Iron Removal Filter" will not reduce those chemicals. But the technician
says that since they are below "B"-Cause for Rejection, we need not worry.

My Questions:

(1)The filter manufacturer says column A and B are like minimum and maximum. Is he right?

(2)If his "Iron Removal Filter" removes iron, turbidity, colour and odour, will the water be potable with the
other chemicals as above?

R Balaji
