How effective is the method of drilling side-bores? I received suggestions in this regard for my farm in Gudvanchery, Chennai

Good day to you,

I have gone through your web site with great interest and commend you for the excellent information provided. I wonder if you could also please help me with the following problem: I have a 3 acre plot of land near Gudvanchery, a suburb of Chennai. We cultivate fruits and vegetables here purely on organic farming methods. We have an open well there of 18 feet dia and a depth of about 35 feet. The lowest 10 feet is hard rock. With falling water levels and very slow re-charging,we have been advise various options including putting a deep bore well in this open well.

One of the ideas suggested to us by 2 or 3 bore well contractors is to put what they call side-bores. I understand that this means they will drill two or three 4.5" dia holes sideways from the well bed, for a distance of about 100' each. They say this will give a good yield and water re-charge. I shall be grateful if you could please advise on the viability and effectiveness of this method and also if it has any special problems. Thank you very much!

With Best Regards,
