Have questions regarding the functioning of effluent treatment plant (ETP) - Please clarify doubts and suggest solutions

Dear Sir

I want to know the reason and solution for following problem with chemical dosing zone and primary sediment tank. Lime, ferrous sulphate & poly are used for coagulation and flocculation.

1. In dosing, sample sludge is floating on the upper side and is seldom divided in two part upper and bottom in sample glass.

2. Sludge does not settle in sample glass after chemical dosing.

3. After chemical dosing, water is converted to black and is seldom green in Lamella tube settler tank (primary sediment tank)

4. Lamella tube settler outlet comes red yellow and red brown in color. Please tell me the ideal colour of Lamella tube settler outlet.

Please give me your valuable answers for some other problems as well:

1. What is the amount of air required for equalization tank, aeration tank and formation of ferric hydroxide in dosing zone?

2. Please tell me the name of foam, odor and colour removing chemical and how to use them

Thank you
