Greywater recycling for over1800 people in a school in rural Gujarat - Need advice regarding implementation of the scheme

Dear all,

I have recently completed a hydrology related degree and am staying at a rural school in Gujarat for 2 months. The purpose of my visit is to assess water usage and consider ways of increasing water efficiency in the complex.

I am particularly interested in greywater recycling, as the site has over 1800 people producing vast quantities of water daily. I am currently struggling to work out how to implement my scheme in the most cost-efficient and effective manner and who I should get in contact with to implement ideas.

The specific decisions I am struggling with are:

- Whether to have separate recycling plants for different hostels or a central plant

- Which filtration system will require the least maintenance 

- Whether to use recycled water for flushing or site vegetation requirements

- Suitable organisations to fit the recycling plant

Any advice on this issues or any other things I should be thinking about would be really appreciated.


Hari Mehta
