Grey water recycling system for domestic use in Chennai, TN: Need design & cost estimate with the help of a consultant

I am looking for Grey water system for my house to recycle laundry, bath water for flushing the toilet. Is there any system available in the market.

Its Ground + 1 Floor above, with total of 3 houses. Ground Floor 1200Sqft and First Floor each house 700 Sqft.
1. Users:  Ground Floor - 5 members
           First Floor Total - 6 members
           Total members per unit: 11
2. Laundry water 3 houses - Around 900Lts per week
   Bathing water 3 houses - Around 1000Lts per week
I want to use this water for flushing the toilets.
3. Current system: Have a septic tank of size L:9Ft x W:6Ft x D:7Ft : I am diverting only the Toilet waste and flushing water to this tank.
Also have a Soak Pit: L4Ft x W: 4 Ft x D: 7 Ft, I am diverting all the bathroom water, Kitchen water and the Washing machine water to this pit.

The issues I have are:

1. When we divert the water to the soak pit, the soil below is clay and the process of absorption of the water is very slow.  This creates a bad odor & it the water has to be pumped out every 2 months.
2. Most of the people in this area, divert the water to the adjacent vacant plot.
3. It would take 5 yrs or more for the underground sewage system to be implemented in our area.
This has prompted me to look at implementing a grey water recycling system. I would also like to know how much it would cost and the maintenance/plumbing requirement for it. Do pass on contact information of qualified people who would be able to assess the requirements and provide advice.



