Foul smell of bore well water in a house in Pokhariput, Bhubhaneswar - Is the soak pit water polluting the water?

I am from Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar. Recently I have taken possession of my new duplex from the builder. The water from borewell was clear & testing good. Because of space constraint the soakpit & septic tank is just 11ft away from borewell. After 6-7days staying in the new house, we observed foul smell of borewell water. The borewell is appx 250ft deep and builder says they have given 120-150 ft plasting casing.

Is it the soakpit water finding its way to reach groundwater and polluting the water? The builder is thinking of making concrete around casing 5-6feet below the ground till rock. Does it solve the problem? Is it necessary to shift soakpit/ go for another borewell drilling?

I am confused as I do not have any Idea about this part of academics. Request experrts of Water Portal to provide their valuable suggestions.


