Food industry ETP: Improving effluent quality by using alum prior to UASB treatment

My question is related to the ETP of Food industry(savories):

1) Inlet parameter of raw effluent are: BOD- 1500-2200, COD-1800-5000, O.&G.- 285 ph-3-5
2) We have installed a well designed ETP- the effluent route is- catch pit-o.&g. trap-reaction tank (using lime/alum/polyelectrolyte)- anaerobic tank(using culture-cow dung & molasses)-aerobic tank (using culture-cow dung,urea,DAP,molasses)-diffuse aeration tank-filter-Outlet.

   a) the problem is that we are still not finding the outlet parameter (30% of inlet parameters only)
   b) brackish odour problem
   c) cow dung smell.

Outlet parameter we are getting now only 30% reduction of inlet value. Can the same be improved? In this connection I would also like to know whether usage of alum prior to pumping to UASB is advised or not?

Hemant Kumar Anthwal
