FAQ on educational opportunities in the water sector

Educational options

Limitless educational opportunities exist in the water sector. . These educational options are generally multidisciplinary and encompass diverse fields such as environmental science, engineering, media, law, policy, planning, and many more.

Universities under the science stream offer B.Sc. (undergraduate) and M.Sc. (graduate) degree courses in various water studies disciplines of earth and geosciences (geology/marine/applied/geophysics), water sports science, watershed management, microbiology, environmental sciences, Hydrology, hydrogeology, water resource management, remote sensing & geographic information system (GIS), land drainage, water supply and sanitation, water and flood management, hydropower, water and environmental management, water management (urban and rural) and water utilization.

The engineering stream also offers diverse educational options in areas such B.E/ B. (Tech.) and M.E/ M. (Tech.) in Environmental/Civil Engineering with water resources engineering, ground engineering, environmental engineering, hydraulic engineering, irrigation water management, water quality engineering,  public health engineering, energy and environmental management, geotechnical engineering, soil and water conservation engineering, chemical engineering, remote sensing & geographic information system (GIS) and water utilization engineering.

The other areas of education in the water field are planning which are offered by planning schools. Master’s degree in the field of urban, rural, town and environmental planning can also be pursued after graduation.

Governance and law are also an area of specialization available currently which play a very important role. These courses explore environmental law, water law, water governance and conflict resolution, water studies (i.e. international law of water resources, water law policy and management, Hydropolitics).

Water Journalism is a young concept. Engaging with the media is essential, and needs to be done with respect for the profession in India. One can develop their interest after pursuing a course in journalism in the aspects of environmental journalism which focuses water quality, irrigation, water and flood management, mining, etc,.

Besides, degree course there are many certificate/ diploma/training courses conducted by Universities, Government departments and NGOs. The courses comprise a wide range of topics related to water such as watershed and river basin management, water supply and sanitation, decentralized wastewater management, water harvesting, groundwater exploration, land and water management and water resources and EIA for water and sanitation.

The attached Educational Options excel sheet provides on different sheets the course offered, details of institutes / universities offering the same website and contact information as applicable.

Research and Compilation by,

Anita Bhatt, Water Portal and WES Net staff member

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