Failed borewell in Shivaramakaranth Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka - Will hydro fracturing help increase the yield?

Dear All,

             I had a borewell dug in my site at Shivaramakaranth Nagar, 6 months back, which failed.  The water point was marked by a HydroGeologist & below is their report after site visit.

  • Geology of the Area :  Low Lying, Red, Grunnic (not sure about this word), clay, granite triinia(not sure about this word)
  • Total Depth to be drilled:  500' - 600'
  • Approx Casing pipe reqd:  80' - 90'
  • No. of water bearing zones: 4
  • Qty of water expected :  2" - 2.5" (4000 - 4500 LPH)
  • Method of survey :  Geo Induction method
  • Remarks :  Water zones are between 140' - 580'

         The borewell was dug at this point.  After 120' there was wetness & the digging continued as there was no pressure.  After this point there was hardly any signs of water & drilling continued upto 700' without any success.  The borewell digger said that we have got a single rock & there is no change in texture of the dust coming out also.  Drilling was stopped at 700'.  Casing pipe was laid for 120' & was left as it is.  The borewell driller said that we will still be able to use storage water in this point.  After 6 months now, I again thought of going for a second point & got a different Hydrogeologist to the site.  The scientist, after verifying the location & surrounding areas, got the cap opened in the same point & dropped a pebble once or twice & said that there was water at arround 40' & the water was storage water which will get replinished as we use.  He also advised not to go for another point for drilling & advised us to test this point & continue using the same point.  As per him, an yield of 3000 - 4000 litres / day for next 10-15 years is guaranteed & the same will get recharged within 2 hrs of draining it.  But again this needs to be tested & confirmed.  And some other Geologist have recomended to go for Hydro fracturing & said that it would increase the yield.  But not sure how helpfull it would be.  In this scenario please advise what should be the next step to be taken.  At this place there is no other water source for going ahead with the construction & the plans are witheld due to this reason.

       My immediate concerns & questions here are:

  1.  Why did the water point fail even after being marked by a Hydrogeologist with aid of an instrument
  2.  How reliable is this water point as suggested by the 2nd Hydrogeologist
  3. As per others recomendation, will Hydro fracturing help increasing & providing a defnite yield.

            An early response is highly appreciated.


