Failed borewell in Mysore, Karnataka - Is rainwater harvesting possible in the borewells

Dear Sir,

We have 3 acres of dry agricultural land in Hampapura, Mysore.Recently we  3 dug bore wells ( 300feet, 180 and 400 feet)according towater diviners and also geological survey. to our bad luck all the bore wells failed. the next day we checked in one of the bore well by dropping pebbles , we could hear  water sound  and we checked by dropping thread also,  at least up to 200 ft water was there.

 As these were not yeilding a drop of water , we have not kept the casing.

Now my quest is can I harvest rain water in  all the three failed  borewells or only one borewell without  casing

Can we put casing now and then harvest rain water

if so , what may be the economical process. kindly give advice

