Excessive waste water in the USA

Dear IWP

Consider the article below in the 'Pollution On Line News Letter', which goes to show that a huge amount of waste water to the extent of more than 6 MLD, is generated by just 7500 persons . In India the generation would not have been more than 1.5 MLD @ 200 liters/person (which too is on the high side). Can such wastage be tolerated by the world community?

The article says "Expandable Oxidation Ditch Helps Meet Discharge Limits, Control Odors, And Cut O&M Costs By Evoqua Water Technologies Planned expansion and asset renewal of an operating company’s water reclamation facility (WRF) in the Chicago suburbs required the need to comply with new stringent nutrient discharge limits. Located in a residential/commercial area, the 1.5 million gallon per day (MGD) facility currently serves a population of about 7,500. The selected biological nutrient removal (BNR) system would have to handle double that population over the next few decades and remain odor-free."


Keshav Agarwal

