Evidence of effectiveness of hand washing on child health - Need India specific data and documented case studies

From Shivani Kapoor, Futures Group, New Delhi

Posted 06 October 2009

I work with the Futures Group on the Market Based Partnership for Health (MBPH) project. My experience is in the area of reproductive health and my new project requires me to work on hygiene promotion.

Our secondary research has revealed that there has been some active work on handwashing but there is a lack of representative data on handwashing and its impact on public health. Also, there seem to be a number of institutional alliances in the area of water and sanitation. I would like to understand the successes of these efforts and what the learnings are.

I request the Water Community members to please share with me the following:

  1. India-specific data on key scientific evidence of the effectiveness of handwashing and its positive impacts on child health
  2. Any studies or research material available on handwashing practices conducted in India
  3. Case studies on health effects of handwashing in India and lessons learnt
  4. Contact details of persons/organizations actively involved with handwashing related activities (namely research, capacity building, communication material, grassroot level planning and implementation, partnership building, pilot projects and campaigns, etc)

The information provided by members will help to ensure the efforts made through the project are well informed and address the gaps rather than overlap with other ongoing efforts.

Please see attachment below for the responses.
