Drinking water TDS level is 350 ppm in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh - Is it fit for consumption

I am a resident of Varanasi. I get my water supply through the tanker from teh society, which lands in a sump and then pumped to an overhead tank
TDS level is about 350-400 PPM. We have a female baby of 4 months.
We have installed a low TDS membrane RO system, which has reduced the TDS level by 45% to 170-180 ppm
Please suggest if we need to go for the 90% (high) membrane which would reduce the TDS to 40 PPM.
I would like to know when UV + RO is required?
As per my knowledge. RO plant usually drains out all the micro organism from water and reduces the TDS too, then why do we require UV?
Thanks & Best Regards
Ankit Singh