Is drilling many borewells safe for an apartment complex in Bangalore, Karnataka ?


I live in an apartment in HAL, Bangalore area. It consists of 3 blocks of 20 flats and 2 borewells of about 500ft depth cater for the daily water needs. Both these borewells were drilled under 1 building.

Currently, due the shortfall of water, rain water harvesting (ground recharge) is being planned. For all 3 buildings, it is estimated that 1 percolation well each is required to be drilled. Moreover, the RWH expert has adviced that the 3 new wells be closer to the existing borewells. That means, there will be totally 5 wells under the "same" building.

My concern is, is it safe for the foundation and structure of the building in question to live with 5 holes under it? Should the new wells be drilled away from it? What are the choices for us?



