Discharge & siltation data for River Ganga in West Bengal : Need the gauging station location

I am a PhD Research Student at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. I am working on bank erosion and flooding in River Ganges in the district of Maldah and Murshidabad in West Bengal, India. I am working on flooding and bank ersoion forecasting model along the River Ganga in India in the districts of Malda and Murshidabad and as a result it would be helpful for me if I am able to get data on discharge and siltation that are collected at hydrological observation sites on River Ganga in these two districts of West Bengal.

The data pertaining to hydrological observation location and the discharge and siltation data would be used for my research and modelling purpose.I would like to know the location of the gauging stations in these two districts on River Ganges and the period of data availability on discharge, silting etc.

Niladri Gupta
