Critical issues for sustainability of River Ganga- Need inputs to formulate strategy

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Lalit Joshi, Ganga Sewa Mission, New Delhi


Ganga Seva Mission is a nationwide movement to ensure uninterrupted free and natural flow, clean, pollution-free, flowing Ganga. According to the WWF report “World’s Top 10 Rivers at Risk” the river Ganga is amongst the top five polluted rivers of the world.

Input required

In order to highlight the above issues, a high level roundtable on 14-15 July, 2012 is being organised that will discuss issues which are most critical for sustenance of the river Ganga. Therefore, please provide inputs on the following issues:

  • What are the major themes that can be covered under the intended objectives of the proposed roundtable to preserve the social, cultural and spiritual importance of the river Ganga?
  • What is the strategy that needs to be adopted to make this initiative more interactive and action-oriented? What other activities will add value to this initiative?
  • Please share examples of local, national or international initiatives related to reducing pollution, maintaining flows and ensuring sustainability of rivers?
  • How can citizens, NGOs and the corporate sector contribute to reducing pollution in the river Ganga, and ensure its sustainability?

Please see attachment below for the received responses.

This discussion has been reposted here from Solution Exchange Water Community India.
