Corrosion in GI pipes in supply line in Bangalore, Karnataka : Analysis required for the water test report attached

I am from Bangalore (Kudlu Gate, off Hosur Road). We are using water from a borewell which is 800 ft deep. We are using this water since past 6 months. The water from the borewell is initially collected in a RCC tank & then pumped to an overhead tank. There is a GI pipe (Jindal make) immersed in the RCC tank on the suction side of the pump. Recently, we noticed that the GI pipe has started rusting & pitting. What could the possible reason of a GI pipe corroding in such short period? Please advise.

Note: We have even got the water tested - All the results are within prescribed range except the Nitrate level is on the higher side 55 mg/l

Test Report attached.

Kunal B
