Corporate social responsibility in water resource management - Need examples and case studies

Original Query: Divya Sehgal, Independent Consultant, New Delhi
Posted: 6 March 2006

I am an independent consultant and a professional social worker. I am working on issues related to water conservation particularly of river basins like Yamuna, waste-water treatment and drinking water supply.

Our businesses draw heavily from rural resources, in terms of wood, water minerals etc and in this context I am interested in knowing about environmental perspectives in honoring corporate social responsibility particularly relating to the water sector so that the rural residents from the nearby villages have better access to the natural resources, which usually forms the base of their livelihood. Since citizens bear the brunt of environmental deterioration particularly in domestic water sector affecting drinking water supply, sanitation and common water bodies, what I would like to know is:

Are there any instances where industry/corporates have honored their responsibility in areas such as

  • creating village ponds
  • cleaning up water bodies
  • conserving water sheds
  • providing safe drinking water and sanitation
  • support activities in the sector

I look forward to members responses

Please see attachment below for the responses.
