Clogged borewell in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh - Need to retrieve the plastic gunny bag used to unclog

I am the resident of Kolar suburb in Bhopal.  Recently I got digged a 270' depth borewell of 3" diameter.  After the process was completed, it was found that it had a little half inch water, upto the level of 120'.  After two days gap, again on rechecking it was found that the water level stood at 125'.  As the borewell got attached with a direct recharge from rain-water and consequent upon a sudden downpour, the temporary cap of a plastic gunny bag reached down 30' below, to the end of the casing fitted in the said borewell.

My questions are that :-

  • What is the best way to retrieve the plastic gunny beg and to un-clog the borewell.
  • If the borewell will give sufficient water to the needs of a medium family of 4 members and if so, the specifications of the fittings viz. submersible pumps, HDEP, Cables, Starters, to be installed.