Can we have a bore well in the portico of newly constructed house?

Dear All,

We are constructing a house (30X40) which is about to be completed in the next 1 month. We are planning to have a bore well, so we identified a bore point with help of a person did by traditional method. Bore point was identified inside water sump which is in the portico, and the roofing has already been done to sump. Height of the sump is around 7 ft & height b/w ceiling to sump roof is around 12 ft.

Bore well contractor said that this can be done by air compressor type, where a truck will be parked in remote place & only rig will be installed at bore point to drill.

Our main concerns to have bore well are as below:

  1. Is there any high risk involved in this?
  2. Is drilling will cause any damage to structure / foundation?
  3. What kind of drilling type is suitable?
  4. Can the huge vibrations that will generate while drilling by air compressor type affect the structure?
  5. If we encounter a rocky substance will it cause any vibrations that can affect structure?
  6. How we can know at what depth water will available?

I asked feedback from some of my friends, some told it will affect structure & some told it will not affect. I am worried to take decision. So please help me by giving your kind suggestions on my above queries at earliest to proceed further.
