Boulders found at 220 ft in a 530ft borewell - Can flushing and installing slotted PVC pipe till 530ft solve the problem?

Dear Experts,

We have implemented a 6.5 inch bore well in Whitefield, Bangalore a few months back which is of 530 ft total depth. As per the driller we stuck the rock at 165 feet and MS casing was laid till there. At around 200 feet as per the driller we got a water source of 2'' with presence of small boulders 2cm and another 1'' of water source at around 400 ft. The driller stopped at 530ft since water was more they cannot go further.

Now I planned to install a motor before that I got borewell scan done since it was drilled 8 months back. While scanning we found storage water to be at 75 ft and he located there is water fissure at 190 ft and the camera stopped moving below 220ft and he said that the boulders had got filled. He and some of the drillers I inquired (also the one who drilled), advised to go for flushing the bore well and installing slotted PVC pipe till 530ft which would solve the problem permanently.

Since the cost of installing the same is huge, I would require your experts suggestions

My questions are as follows:
1. Is slotted PVC a good solution in the current situation?
2. Any alternate solutions?

Senthil +919448478200
