Borewell water in Vellore district, TN - Need to know whether the water tested is fit for consumption and purification techniques

I'm Muzammil, my Village situated in Vellire Dist,  Melvisharm, just near Palar river TN. Our bore well water is making strain mark in SS water tape and SS utencil  now we are consuming and drinking the same water and I test the water and found the following resuld and i need your valuable advice whether to Consum or not. I have to post a water test result in order to get the right advise.

Apprearance(before and after filteration): Clear

Colour: Colourless

pH : 7.20

Conductivity : 1496

Total Dissolved Solids: 1016 mg/l

Total Suspended Solid: 22

Turbidity as NTU: 6.4 NT

P.Alkalinity: Nil

M.Alkalinity: 366

Total Hardness As CaCO3: 400

Calcium Hardness as CaCO3: 266

Megnesium Hardness as CaCo3: 134

Chlorides as CI: 280

Sulphate as So4: 138

Silica as SiO2: 36

Total Iron: Nil


Kindly advice me whether to intake the water or the best water treatment solution that I should do to enhance its quality & ensure potability.
