Borewell troubleshooting concerns in Vasanthnagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

There were two borewells drilled in our construction site this month

1. Upto 280ft (northeast), no water source found. Just a single white color rock found from 30 ft to 280 ft.
2. Upto 170ft (southwest)diagonally opposite at a distance of 20ft from first borewell point, water source was found at 40 ft and about 2 inch

Location of the borewell - 6th cross, Vasanthnagar, Bangalore 560052
Diameter of the borewell - 6.5 inches, This was a GAS borewell, since there is no option to take the truck into the construction site.
Depth of the borewell - 1. 280ft no water and 2. 40 ft water found
Casing used, type of casing, depth / depths to which casing is installed - PVC casing, 10inch outer and 6,5 inch inner upto 30 ft
Time / date of construction 1. Borewell1 10/05/09 and 2. Borewell2 29/05/09
If water quality problems are being faced kindly provide the water quality report if available - Water is yet to be pumped out

I have two queries, please reply.

1. Should go in for further drilling at the first borewell point1 which is currently at 280ft ?
2. How much should be the required HP for the submersible pump to be installed in borewell point 2 so that it can pump water upto 2nd  or 3rd floor?

