Borewell troubles in a house in Bangalore, Karnataka - Submersible motors covered with boulders. Need solution

I would require your valuable advise to my borewell.We are resident of Bangalore and 2 months before we constructed a borewell for our house. Depth 745 Feet. At 340 ½’’ wetness powder[90GPH , 400 LPH] 630 Ft 1 ½ “” Water [325GPH,1470 LPH] Static Water at 300 -350 Feet LPH : 2’’ of water at 670 GPH ,3015 LPH. Also we got boulders at 720 Feet. When we insert Submersible Motor[3hp] on Second day of Borewell , the motor could reach only 590 Ft , beyond that motor was not moving inside. So motor was kept at 500 Ft and water accessed for 3 to 4hrs daily. The contractor asked us to operate the borewell every day , as we got fine powdered white mud along with water. For some reason we failed to switch on the motor for 3 days , and after that motor was not running. The borewell people are not able to recover the motor,but they confirmed that they are able to insert the pipe upto 600 FT where the borewell is clear, they also could reach the motor but are not able to pull out. They suggest that the motor is "covered" by boulders, but ith about 1/2 inch of water above the motor. The solution they gave is to cut the pipe, electrical wire and get a new motor to keep it again at 500 Ft or above.

My questions are:

1. Is that the best possible solution at present?
2. Any guarantees that it will not occur again (boulder cover/ damage to new motor)
3. Is the use of a jet or compressor motor possible in this scenario?

Do suggest what will be the best course of action in this scenario.
