Borewell stuck with stone which slides in the borewell passage in Bangalore, Karnataka - Please advice a permanent solution for the same

Hi sir,


The borewell at our place has a different kind of problem. Few years back we had lifted the motor to repair it. But after that when we tried to place it back, it did not go below 60ft. The actual depth of the borewell is 170ft. The reason we thought was that , because of some hard stones the borewell was blocked. So we got a borewell rig and tried to drill the stone , and the drill went smooth all the way. But after that again when we tried to put the motor back it did not go below 60ft. The borewell rig people told us that the actual reason is that there is a stone at 60ft which slides inside a passage which is perpendicular to our borewell . when we try to drill it ( put so much pressure on it) and after the drill bit comes out it again blocks the borewell. So we put casing (perforated plastic) till the end. After this we were able to put the motor back and it worked fine.

But before a few days when there was some problem with motor we lifted it up. While lifting motor one of the casing pipes came up along, so the person who lifted the motor just left the casing back. After this when we try to put the motor back the same problem occured. it did not go below 60ft. looks like the stone has again blocked the way. We are not able to drill this stone as it just slides inside the passage whenever we try drilling it. So there are some casing pipes already in .

Can you please let me know what can be done. Looking for a permanent solution.
