Borewell not yielding water after 22 years in old Alwal area of Secunderabad - Can we redrill the same bore or try flushing?

Hi all,

I am from Hyderabad and I live in Old Alwal area of Secunderabad. We had dug a borewell at the time of construction of our house, almost 22 years ago. Recently the borewell went almost dry, we are getting around one or two buckets of water every 2 hours.
Details of of the bore well is:

  • Depth: 90 feet.
  • PVC casing : 45 feet.
  • 1 HP pump set with pipe till 80 feet.

When we checked the borewell with a thread tied to a stone, it was wet for 20 feet. In 20ft, 8ft feet was muddy from bottom.

Some info about nearby borewells of neighbours:
1. 110 ft with pipe nearly 90 feet, able to pump few drums of water.
2. 120 ft getting some what good yeild. Both of these are around 50 -60ft from my borewell.

There are other borewells at around the same distance, the details of which I don't have but they don't have any water complaints.
Can we re-drill the same bore further or try flushing? Are there any other options available for me?
As we have house built, there is little chance of a big drilling machine entering the house for drilling without breaking some part of the roof.

What is the minimum distance we should have from present bore well to dig a new one (if that is the last available option)? Also what is the suggested depth in view above conditions?

Thanks in advance for your valuable advice.

