Borewell failure in a rocky terrain in Bangalore, Karnataka - Should another borewell be dug or the current one be recharged?


I am a resident of Bangalore and attempted to dig a borewell 2 days  back,
located at Begur in South Bangalore.

I wanted to dig a borewell at my site for domestic purpose. I had  approached 3
water diviners to find the water point. All of them used  traditional method and
were recommended by my friends. I chose a point,  where 2 diviners had
recommended the same point. The terrain in this  area is rocky and I was told
that the whole layout of about 50 acres  stands on a huge rock underneath.
However there were success stories in  this layout where atleast 10 persons had
found water at depth ranging  from 500 ft to 900 ft.

I started to rig on 17 June 2011, early morning. Within a few minutes,  at about
40 ft, some water came out. The borewell people told me that  this was seepage
water and was about half an inch. Then we started to  get rock. So the casing
pipe was laid for 43 ft which was surrounded by  10" PVC pipes of same length.
We continued to go deep expecting any gaps  in the rock. We did not hit any gap
and there was no change in the  colour / texture of the rock. We thought of
going till 500 ft as that  was the average depth where we could expect a source.
We touched 500 ft  and with no luck, continued further. I wanted to stop at 800
ft, but  took a chance to go upto 1000 ft as a few had hit water at 900 levels. 
Finally, I was unsuccessful and stopped at 1000 ft. All we saw was rock powder
from 50 ft to 1000 ft.

I have already spent 1.6 lakhs on this borewell. I no longer trust the
conventional diviners.

The borewell people told me that the water we got at 40 ft is sufficient  for
domestic use. He said that there are 6 holes in the casing pipe and  water gets
accumulated through them to get about 1000 litres per day.

My concerns:
1. Is the water that trickles through the 6 holes in the casing pipe  sufficient
to meet our needs? Our current need is about 40000 litres per  month. I somehow
feel that this is the surface water / rainwater and  will not be available
during non-rainy seasons.

2. If this water is sufficient, where should we place the pump? If we  place at
900 levels, we have to use at least 4 HP pump, and not sure if  the water
collects into this depth.

3. Is there a way to know if I could hit water at 1200/1300 ft by any  accurate
scientific methods? If so, I can take the risk of going  further? If not, what
is the alternative? Should I abandon this borewell  and try to find another
point using scientific / predictable method? Or  is there any way to revive this

